Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Chaos God Slaanesh

Now some people might disregard the Forces of Slaanesh but dont underestimate him or his forces The Emperors Children who turned Traitor during the time of the Horus Heresy With there Primarch Fulgrim The Space Marines of the Emperors children wield devastating sound technology derived from the warp and there hearing is very sensitive due to the fact they use sound technology i will tell you more when i have more information :)

Personal taste

Personally when it comes to The WH40K Universe Just in case for those that dont know its called Warhammer 40 K anyways when it comes to the forces of The Chaos Gods Slaanesh and Nurgle are my preferred Chaos gods and my less favored are Tzeentch and Khorne What are your guys and gals thoughts?

Thursday, February 21, 2013


This is about the Primarch Fulgrim of the Wh40k universe The Leader of the Emperor's Children Legion Number 3 of the original 20 Space Marine Legions. Now the Emperors Children were not always a strong and powerful legion when they first started cause of an incident with there gene-seed being lost while on route to Luna and they never recovered from this incident so they were always the smallest legion while other legions like the Ultramarines,Imperial Fists and the Luna Wolves all exceeded the 100,000 mark and the Emperors children only numbered in the hundreds